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Whistle Blowing

Whistle-Blowing Policy and Process

This policy addresses Bartley Christian Church (BCC) leadership’s commitment to proper ethical behaviour where staff, members and visitors are encouraged to report concerns without fear of reprisal or unfair treatment. 


The objectives of this policy are:

  • To provide a formal process to raise and handle whistle-blowing concerns and a framework to support the process.

  • To encourage employees and other stakeholders to report improper, unethical and inappropriate behaviour.

  • To provide assurance that all reports will be properly addressed, treated with confidentiality and there are adequate whistle-blower safeguards from reprisal.

  • To promote and develop a culture of accountability, integrity and transparency.



This process is to provide a means through which staff, members and visitors can, in good faith, report any whistle-blowing concern, i.e. any activity that infringes on conduct that is detrimental to the body of Christ or that violates the law, but restricted to situations where the offender being reported upon is a leader of the church, a staff member employed by the church or any lay leader serving in any leadership capacities in the church.


Examples of whistle-blowing concerns: 

  • Financial accounting – fraud, questionable practices or policies.

  • Legal and criminal matters – violations of the law.

  • Ethics – corruption, forgery, theft, serious misconduct.

  • Abuse of power – retaliation, harassment, discrimination, misusing church resources for personal gain.

  • Immoral conduct – sexual misconduct, cheating, lying.

  • Cover-up - deliberate attempts to cover up any of the above.

General complaints and grievances over operational matters, service quality, ministry deficiency, unhappiness over the private conduct of fellow BCC members, etc. are not matters for whistle-blowing. These concerns should be taken up with the pastors and ministry leaders.

How to report

Submit the case via (a) or (b) below:

a)    Electronic form at or QR code below:

b)    Download and fill up the form at or via QR code below:



And then either,

  • Email softcopy of filled form to or

  • Print a copy of the form, fill in the required information, and pass the copy in a sealed envelope to a Pastor or and an Elder.

  • In cases where leadership personnel is/are involved or the concern is exceptionally serious, the whistle-blower can report the matter directly to the Senior Pastor or an Elder.

  • All reports received will be channeled to Whistle-Blowing Governance Committee (WBGC), who will contact the Whistle-Blower within 7 days.​​

Whistle-Blower Governance Committee (WBGC)

  • The Committee comprises of a minimum of 4 members – The Chairman of the Elders’ Board who will also the chairman of WBGC, an Elder/Ex-Elder, a Pastor and a Deacon.

  • WBGC will verify and assess the alleged concern to determine the necessary actions.

  • WBGC will update the Whistle-Blower of its findings, recommended actions and status.

Confidentiality & Protection

Reports of whistle-blowing concerns are kept confidential to the extent possible to meet the needs of the investigation and under the law as the case may be.  BCC does not condone any reprisal, discrimination or harassment against whistle-blowers who report in good faith. Disciplinary actions will be taken against those who retaliate, harass or discriminate against whistle-blowers.




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