Calling all youths aged 13 - 18!
Join us if you are studying in a Secondary school or Junior College!


A Frontline Youth is a kingdom-minded disciple transformed by the love and power of God, who loves God and His Word wholeheartedly, evangelises unabashedly and rallies and unites fellow believers intentionally, paving the way for the generations to know Jesus Christ.
Building Disciples, Reaching Young People
Building Disciplers, Reaching Generations
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)
The kind of person we want to develop out of a 12 year old is this:
In our youth fellowship—the goal is the working young adult who loves God and studies His Word, who is equipped with a career for which they are trained and have had initial experience, and who knows their spiritual gifts and has had both training and opportunity to grow in them, so that they are equipped and ready to serve God in a lost world... because we believe our young people can make an impact on this lost and needy world!