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Worship with us

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(*livestream service with sign language )

No registration needed

1-combined English service
7,14, 21, 28 July (11am*)

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F.E.E.D is a unique 4-step Christian Education Program here at Bartley aimed to help members grow and mature in their faith

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Christian Education Programs (F.E.E.D)

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First time in Bartley?

Come & meet us 

for a cup of coffee.

Click below to connect with us.


Join our events


Young Fathers Ministry

Happening every 3rd Saturday of the month, the band of Fathers unites to pray, learn and support one another.

Come join us!

Holy Bible

Christian Education Programs (F.E.E.D)

F.E.E.D is a unique 4-step Christian education program here at Bartley to help members grow and mature in their faith.

F - Foundation

E - Education

E - Equipping

D - Discipling

Assortment of classes available to suit Christians at different level

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Missional Cells

A Missional Church sees itself as a community sent to represent God’s reign by its being, doing and speaking. The small group ministry of the church  must be missional in mindset and motivation.

Missional cells are small groups of disciples of Christ who gather regularly to spur one another to love God, love others and fulfil His Great Commission in making disciples. Join a cell today!

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